Jenya's super secret virtual babyshower

dinsdag 30 juni 2015

Deze blogpost schrijf ik in het Engels, om de voor de hand liggende reden dat ze helemaal in het teken staat van ... Jenya's super geheime virtuele babydouche! Allé, een super secret virtual babyshower, in feite. Wij kennen dat soort douches niet, maar u kijkt genoeg Netflix om u er iets bij voor te stellen zeker?
I've known Jenya for some time now. Well, virtually speaking, that is.  Because, allas, the lovely lady is living on the other side of the world - you know, that part of the world that is in the middle of winter now, while we are experiencing a heat wave at this very moment - true word Jenya ;). It's a pity she's living in Australia because I feel she's just that kind of woman I'd love to have as a neighbour: caring, friendly, always in for a laugh, and let's not forget about the opportunity for me to be begging her for some suitable sewing thread late in the evening, which I'm sure would work both ways.

Anyway, Jenya is expecting a baby boy or girl in August, a sister or a brother for R. How much fun is that? She's going to experience the joy of sewing all those tiny and so very cute baby clothes, all over again! But better still, I was invited by Alisa and Renee to take part in that fun!  

I spent a while thinking about what I'd sew for her and the baby. I remembered she mentioned earlier on my blog that she loves red, so the color was very easily set on.

One of Jenya's latest sewing projects was this lovely Little red riding hood jacket. That's when I decided to make her a (unisex winter) jacket.  I've adapted the pattern I've used before by redrawing the rounded corners of the front panels, the pointed hat and I added (fake) little pockets so the baby jacket would resemble Jenya's original. I thought it would be fun that R and the newborn can start twinning right from the start :)
Fabrics: red shetland flannel, Robert Kaufman, cotton sheepskin lining, and for the little pocket, architextures in grey, by Robert Kaufman. All from Petite Couture

Although the baby jacket closes with (hidden) kam snaps, I decided I wanted to add some purely decorative buttons resembling Jenya's wooden buttons a close as possible. I didn't have any suitable buttons in my stock however, so I turned to Belgian most famous button-collector/blogger who gave me about 10 options - not kidding. 

The lining, Jenya, is the cotton sheepskin you were asking me about after that last post. Now you can see and feel it for yourself :)

The jacket is on it's way to Australia right now, and I hope you will receive it safely! I hope you are enjoying this surprise as much as I was taking part in! 

If you'd like to see who else is in the conspiracy, take a look here!

A Stitch in Between / Naeh Connection / Straightgrain / Siskobymieke Threading My Way / Lil' Pip Designs / Sew Delicious / Things For Boys Sewpony / Made By Sara / As It Seams / Sew n Sow / Nearest the Pin

18 opmerkingen

  1. How delightful! Twinning from the get go, I love it!

  2. Wow this is really gorgeous! Jenya will love it.

  3. Ha ha, this is sooo perfect!! and so cute!! Little R will just love to be matching with her little baby brother/sister. Thanks so much for joining to fun Mieke :)

  4. Oh Mieke, thank you so very much! I love this jacket so much! Before I red a word my first thought was, "It looks just like R's jacket" and I just loved the idea! Thank you for putting so much thought into this project :) I looked for sheepskin cotton locally but could not locate any. Maybe it is called something else in Oz? R and Pixie will look so cool going for walks together :) Well, Pixie will be in a pram of course, but still ;)

  5. Zo geweldig! Je zou er spontaan nog een baby voor willen ;)

  6. schattigheid troef jong :-)
    met babyjasjes doe je gewoon nooit verkeerd

  7. That is such a cute jacket, and so thoughtful of you to keep track of Jenya's favorite colors and fabric preferences :) I love the fact that R and the baby will be twinsies, so so cute and looks incredibly cozy! Thank you so much for being a part of our shower

  8. Snuggly, warm and gorgeous!!! Big sister is going to love wearing the same style of jacket as her baby sibling.

  9. Zo'n schattig jasje en zo'n leuk initiatief!
    Daarvoor waren dus die knopen :-)

  10. Zo'n originele versie met die teddykatoen !!!

  11. Oh dat patroon blijft een toppertje! En het ziet er wreed chique uit door die stof!

  12. So, so, so pretty! This is perfect!

  13. De stof doet dat jasje er compleet anders uitzien! Wat chique
    -tikken terwijl je over de vloer rolt van het lachen door uw nieuwe aanspreektitel, niet zo simpel zunne ;)-


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